The first week of April we have spring break. We are going on another outreach with the LXP team to Lesotho. We will be doing another program (Beat the Drum program teaching abstinence.) in the schools like we did last year. We are very excited for this opportunity that God has given us. We will be there from April 25th-May 2nd. Please pray for opportunities to share the gospel as well with the people of this town.
We have a girl from our team that has decide to stay here in Port Elizabeth permanently. She is very excited and will be staying and working in the church we are involved in. She believes this is God’s calling on her life.
The past 9 weeks have probably been the hardest weeks of my life. I was thinking today about the person I was when I came on this trip. I know God has challenged me to rely more on Him. God has called us to a higher standard of living. Our team has been fighting though so much spiritual warfare. The team has leaned so much from each other during this time. We have spent a lot of time on our faces praying, asking and begging for the Lord to change our hearts and our lives. It’s funny in life how we grow weary trying to always reach the goal set before us, but when we take that moment to look back on where we have come from, we are often surprised at how far we have already come.
We’re doing another book for Discipleship, called “Don’t Waste Your Life” by John Piper. He says “It was not always plain to me that pursuing God’s glory would be virtually the same as pursuing joy. Now I see that millions of people waste their lives because they think these paths are two and not one.” Which is so true if you think about it. We think I’ll do this for me, then I do something to glorify God with my day. But that’s now how it should be. Everything we do or say should glorify God!
I am still in need of about $2,000 to cover the cost of this trip. So, if you feel led, please continue to support me!
For His Kingdom,
You are blessed in Jesus name ,
Pr Steve
Dee Dee, I love this post. I love that you have had this experience and that God has used you in such a powerful way. I know it’s just the beginning of great things to come. Can’t wait to see how He will use you in the future as well!
Missions does do something special within your heart, doesn’t it? I hear the excitement in your voice, how alive you sound, and rememeber sounding very much the same years ago. I miss it and long to be involved with missions again.
You are loved and I am praying for you. I can’t wait to see you eventually after you return home. Hopefully we can get together, and I can hear lots of stories! Love you!